Sunday, June 3, 2012

You win some...

If I were to say, "it's been busy lately" then I would be painting you an inaccurate picture. I'm searching for other words....frenetic, intense, overloaded. In case you are a visual learner, you may find the following picture more telling than any of my words.

Taken at the END of my workday. Moments after discovery.

We have gotten a lot done. It's true in a sense. But no matter how hard I try, I cannot cram more than 24 hours into a day. Except daylight savings time. And I usually forget to take advantage of that (next year, next year). We finally expanded our duck pen, dug up part of the lawn for our square foot garden, installed a deer fence around the garden, built "tunnels" for our veggies while they attempt to grow in this stubbornly cold weather, introduced baby duckies to big duckies, and started a worm compost bin. Oh yeah, we both went to the dentist too.

(read more after the jump)

So what hasn't gotten done, you ask? Everything else. We haven't cooked dinner in ages. We haven't slept in lately. Nor have we folded laundry. Or swept. Or meal planned for the week, let alone month.

And I definitely, definitely, didn't water the starts. At first, I was diligent. I set them in the large windowsill behind our kitchen sink. The same placed I used to crawl into to get cell phone reception. Over time (read: after we found our cubic foot of cell reception), I visited the windowsill less and less. You can guess what happened next. Homestead fail.

Determined to be successful, I started over. A new set of seeds, adjusted lighting and re-affirmed commitment. Again, over time (read: once we got a handy bluetooth handset that broadcast our signal throughout the house), the little starts had little chance to survive. Eventually, their neighboring established herbs even died. Double homestead fail.

windowsill of doom. you do not want to move here.

So this year, there's no home-grown starts to speak of. Unless, of course, you count the tomato plants from my sister or the tomatoes, squash and rainbow chard from another neighbor (Mrs. W.) who has recently taken to socializing with us. I guess it will be mostly root vegetables for us this year! And, hopefully next year, I'll find a slightly more accessible area to keep my starts.

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