Thursday, May 9, 2013

If I Should Have a Daughter...

(watch the first 3 minutes and 40 seconds of this video for the most amazing poem;
 you won't regret it!)
Mr. Bee and I aren't sure if we will have a son or a daughter. It's not the type of thing you set out to choose nor that you have much control over. So we figured we'd let it be a surprise. Well, that's one of the reasons we skipped finding out anyhow.

Listening to our favorite spoken-word poet Sarah Kay reminds us of the exciting journey we have ahead of us. We hope you will continue to follow along with us and understand now why it's been so quiet on the blog front as of late--I've been sick and Mr. Bee's been busy making sure everything on the homestead stays up and running. With nicer weather, fewer chores, and feeling a little bit better in these final months, I expect you'll be hearing more frequently from us again!

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