Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Babbling Grief

Have you ever heard a baby babble? It's heart-melting! My friend moved nearby and I'm watching her forth child (born this fall) do things my son never did. He coos. He babbles. Did I mention that? He smiles. And doesn't get lost in staring at string. She reports no obsession with toothbrushes.

BabyBee has made huge leaps since his tiny baby days but I wonder how it would have felt to have a sleeping, pooping, cuddling bundle fresh from the womb.  I thought I knew how "not normal" things were at the time; I just didn't realize just how far off we were from average. (I should have been clued in when our "birth to three" early intervention eval said we were -2.76 standard deviations from the norm in several areas. Apparently that didn't quite sink in) 

I miss those baby days we didn't have.

I'm grateful though for the tiny BabyBee days that we did have. (The toddler BabyBee days are much more fun though!)

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